quarta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2005

Revista de Imprensa

1-“Pressing Putin to mend his ways”, The Economist
"There was a time when a meeting between the American and Russian leaders was a summit of the world’s two great powers. Nowadays, it is a meeting between the world’s one main power and a medium-sized country whose global importance is still fading but which still has plenty of scope for troublemaking—and a huge nuclear arsenal."
2-Kenneth Pollack e Ray Takeyh, “Taking on Tehran”, Foreign Affairs
"With Tehran divided over how to balance its nuclear ambitions with its economic needs, Washington has an opportunity to keep it from crossing the nuclear threshold. Since the economy is a growing concern for the Iranian leadership, Washington can boost its leverage by working with the states that are most important to Tehran's international economic relations: the western European countries and Japan, as well as Russia and China, if they can be persuaded to cooperate. Together, these states must raise the economic stakes of Iran's nuclear aspirations. They must force Tehran to confront a painful choice: either nuclear weapons or economic health….
In the 1990s, Europeans could ignore much of Iran's malfeasance because the evidence was ambiguous. But with the IAEA recently having uncovered so many of Iran's covert enrichment activities--and with Tehran subsequently having admitted them--it will be far more uncomfortable, if not impossible, for Europeans to keep looking the other way."
3-Niall Ferguson, “Sinking Globalization”, Foreign Affairs