sexta-feira, dezembro 02, 2005

"He speaks so well!"

Cada vez que ouço clamores públicos para me rejubilar pela “boa forma política” de Mário Soares aos 80-e-qualquer-coisa anos só me lembro de uma piada de Chris Rock sobre a possibilidade de Colin Powell vir a ser Presidente:

Colin Powell can't be president. Get the.. you know how I can tell Colin Powell can't be president? Whenever Colin Powell on the news white people always give him the same compliments.
Always the same compliments. 'How do you feel about Colin Powell?' 'He speaks so well'. 'He's so well spoken!' 'He speaks so well, I mean he really speaks well', 'He speaks so well'. Like that's a compliment. Speaks so well ain't a compliment, ok. Speaks so well's some shit you say about retarded people... that can talk. What do you mean he speaks well? What, did he have a stroke the other day? He's a fucking educated man, how the fuck you expect him to sound, you dirty motherfucka! What you talkin about, 'he speaks so well'. You talkin' about, 'he speaks so well'. What voice were you looking to come outta his mouth? What the fuck did you expect him to sound like? 'I'm a drop me a bomb today! I be Prez- O -dent!!'.